Search results for "quantum"

Waiting for Quantum Computers to Arrive, Software Engineers Get Creative

Quantum computers promise to be millions of times faster than today’s fastest supercomputers, potentially revolutionizing everything from medical research to the way people solve problems of climate change. The wait for these machines, though, has been long, despite the billions poured into them. But the uncertainty and the dismal stock performance of publicly-listed quantum computer […]

Quantum Computing in Banking: Is any of It a Good Idea?

As we speak, our traditional trust-based banking system is crumbling down like a house of cards. Most experts hope that blockchain-based finance, or in other words, no-trust finance, will salvage the economy. Now, more than ever before, people are careful where they invest their money. But with the threat of malicious quantum computing use cases, […]

Quantum Computing Technology: The Dark Side

Quantum computing technology is truly a masterpiece although it is not yet mature. I’ve already sung its praise: the benefits it brings to the table, the advantage it gives the telecom industry, and the radical revolution it will incite in the medical field. But it’s time to bring the expectations back to earth as there […]