Adnan Kayyali

Junior social media strategist with a degree in media and communication. Technology enthusiast and freelance writer. Favorite hobby: 3D modeling.

Sustainable Food Supply Chains: How They Are Transforming

Sustainable food supply chains are necessary for maintaining global social stability. Meeting the needs of an ever-expanding population is no easy task. In order to accomplish this, the food business must handle a number of intricate problems, including greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation, worker safety and fair pay, as well as consumer nutrition and health. […]

Top 9 AI Marketing Tools to Scale Your Business

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are now widely used in marketing and almost any other industry you can think of. Companies of all sizes use the best AI marketing solutions to promote their brands and enterprises and scale their efforts exponentially. Using AI-powered marketing tools should be a component of your business strategy whether you’re a […]

Working in Fintech vs Banks: Which One Is for You

The development of technology has created various new businesses and transformed many industries, but Financial Technology (FinTech) is one in particular that has distinguished itself. The FinTech landscape is a burgeoning economic sector made up of businesses that employ technology to improve the efficiency of financial services. Both recent graduates and seasoned professionals can find lots […]

The Artemis Mission: Everything You Need to Know

Artemis, in ancient Greek religion, is the goddess of wild animals, the hunt, and vegetation and of chastity and childbirth; and the twin sister of Apollo the Sun God. To us modern people however, the Artemis mission is humanity’s second attempt at a moon launch that could pave the way for deep space exploration. NASA is […]

Countries Using 7G Network Technology Today

Globally, the 7G Network provides a faster means of communication. A 7G network is the quickest way to make a call, whether it is local or international. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), or 7G, requires access to all local and international telecommunications. Additionally, all of its clients trust the 7G Network since it gives them […]

9 Edtech Jobs that Will Rise in Demand for Decades

Edtech jobs have been on a rapid rise since the beginning of the pandemic and even before. People only realized how much they can learn simply from listening to a prerecorded course on Udemy or Coursera, or simply reading eBooks about any given topic, filling in the gaps in their knowledge with a couple of […]

A Deep Dive into the Meta Metaverse

Tech giants are racing to dominate the future of the internet referred to collectively as the Metaverse. Whereas every tech giant has their own niche to fill, the Meta metaverse version want to be them all, and are investing heavily – to putt lightly – to make it happen. The Meta Metaverse in a Nutshell […]

Dubai Metaverse Assembly: Main Takeaways

Technology experts, members of the metaverse community, and representatives of significant businesses gathered at the Dubai Metaverse Assembly to examine prospects and strategies for realizing the metaverse’s promise. Dubai’s metaverse plan, which seeks to boost the Emirate’s economy by $4 billion and add 40,000 employees, was already made public. Since the announcement in July 2022, […]

Tips for Early Christmas Shopping for Techies

As early shoppers are aware, some items will become more difficult to obtain as the holiday season approaches, especially tech items like game consoles, smartphones, drones and other in-demand products. Although the majority of shoppers appear to prefer online purchasing to in-store shopping, ordering new equipment online has its own set of difficulties. Online shopping […]