Karim Husami

Journalist for 8 years in print media, with a bachelor degree in Political Science and International Affairs. Masters in Media communications.

U.S. Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy; Here’s What You Need to Know

On March 8, 2022, the American State Department launched a new cybersecurity bureau designed to improve digital diplomacy and online standards worldwide.   The Department of State’s new Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy (CDP) began operations on April 4. According to the announcement, the “CDP bureau will address the national security challenges, economic opportunities, and implications for […]

China Splinternet, Is it a State-Controlled Alternative Cyberspace?

The question of what is Splinternet? is answered when seeing how the Chinese are creating their own type of internet, as in expanding their network to have one called “splinternet,” which will determine alternative cyberspace where multiple developing countries are likely to sign up.  Learn how geopolitics are driving countries like China away from the […]

How is 5G Developed for Autonomous Vehicles?

Self-driving cars were only a vision for scientists; however, seeing the first partly automated vehicles with various service systems on our roads has become a reality, So, how is 5G developed for autonomous vehicles?  Autonomous vehicles relying on 5G connectivity are being developed by companies worldwide.  Autonomous means that the car is entirely independent in responding […]

Scam with Apple Gift Cards… What We Need to Know

Scams are being used more and more against people, especially companies, causing significant financial losses and customer problems.  A series of scams occur by asking people to get payments over the phone for hospital bills, taxes, bail money, debt collection, and utility bills. Online fraud, which is lately causing a lot of issues, including one […]

Pros and Cons of Biotechnology in Agriculture

Agricultural biotechnology uses various tools, including conventional breeding techniques, that adjust parts of organisms or living organisms to modify or make products and animals and improve plants and grow microorganisms for distinguishing agricultural uses.  The tools of genetic engineering are included in modern biotechnology, while its developments contain genetically modified plants and animals, cell therapies, […]

What is Normalization and Standardization in Machine Learning?

Data standardization is rescaling the attributes to have a mean of 0 and a variance of 1. The top destination to perform standardization is to bring down all the features to a standard scale without distorting the differences in the range of the values.   In contrast, algorithms that compute the distance between the features are […]

What are Examples of Modern Biotechnology?

With time, humans have worked thoroughly on improving technologies, especially modern ones. Modern biotechnologies worked on making valuable products from whole organisms or parts of organisms, such as cells, tissues, molecules, and organs.    Developments in biotechnology contain genetically modified plants and animals, cell therapies, and nanotechnology.   These products are not in everyday use but may […]

The Basics of Quantum Machine Learning

Quantum computing depends on the effects of mechanics to compute problems that would be out of reach for classical computers. A quantum computer uses qubits, like regular bits in a computer, however, with the added capacity to be put into a superposition and share entanglement. Quantum machine learning explores how quantum computers can be used […]

What We Know About 7G After 5&6G

The evolution of mobile technology is growing fast to the extent that we are talking about generations of the internet that won’t be settled until 20 years.  In other words, we are still deploying 5G and people are thinking about 6G and 7G, with 6G taking the majority of research and industry  Predictions claim that 6G […]

What is Telecom Ethics?

The telecommunication industry carries changing codes of ethics depending on the client and business. However, there are general agreements that each North American Association of Telecommunications Dealers organization must abide by.  There is particularly little talk on the query of accountability and ethics regarding the actors concerned in pushing this remarkable growth of Information and […]