
Building a Sustainable Culture Is Beyond Governmental Regulations

As our world becomes increasingly digital, the production and disposal of electronic devices have reached staggering levels. Unfortunately, the majority of electronic waste, or e-waste, is not disposed of in a responsible or sustainable manner. Instead, it ends up in landfills or shipped to developing countries, where it is often improperly recycled, leading to significant […]

A World Without Fossil Fuels Is Still Far From Perfect

The hunger for fossil fuel is not what it once was. The urgent need for a sustainable solution to help limit environmental damage has showcased that fossil fuels are not the only way to go. Fuel alternatives started becoming mainstream, making life easier for companies in various sectors by helping them reduce costs and become […]

Smart Cities Impact: A Business’ Solution to the Economic Crisis?

Smart cities, cognitive cities’ predecessors, as a concept, are not as brand new as you might think. In fact, in 1974, Los Angeles created the first urban big data project, “A Cluster Analysis of Los Angeles,” fast forward to 1994, and Amsterdam hopped on the wagon with a virtual digital city, “De Digital Stad” (DDS), […]

Our New Frenemy: The CO2 Battery

A new carbon dioxide battery (CO2) has entered the energy market. Yes, you did read that right, a CO2 battery, and it might be just what wind turbines are looking for to help them harness the full force of the wind. Carbon dioxide is used in the technology to store heat and pressure energy. It’s […]

The Digital Silk Route: Echoes of the Past

Mark Twain, the greatest humorist the US has produced, once said that “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” What’s past is past, but it does come back in a similar but not the same form (i.e., a rhyme). Accordingly, the Digital Silk Route (DSR) is not identical to the traditional silk route, […]

Metropolis of the Future: Achieving Sustainable Visions

As the world enters a new era, a climate-focused one, technology has proven to be one of the more critical aspects contributing to the fight against climate change with the rise of worldwide sustainable visions. Digital innovations have become, what could be considered, the backbone of every sustainability strategy in the world, and the MENA […]

Economic Vision 2030: Abu Dhabi’s Quest for Economic Ascend

The world is increasing its awareness of technological development’s role in establishing a more robust economic foundation for the upcoming decade. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is walking the line of digital transformation by preferring new unorthodox means to finally fulfill its ambitious goals of becoming a knowledge-based country. Such intelligent innovation integration will eventually […]

The Ministry of Science and Technology (Ethiopia) Fights Back

A humanitarian crisis is taking place in the Horn of Africa. The shadow of the worst drought in decades is about to take the lives of millions. Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya struggle to find enough food to eat. Millions have fled their homes, especially after the prediction of a dry raining season. This famine is […]

The Horn of Africa in the Face of Famine

The horn of Africa is starving. Forecasts are indicating an underwhelming rainy season for the last month of 2022. Famine in African countries has reached its fifth consecutive dry season in significant parts of Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya. This year is the driest in 70 years, putting millions of lives in danger of starvation by […]