
Apple Controlling the Innovation Narrative as Usual

Apple has long been known for its iterative approach to product development, continuously refining and enhancing its devices with each new iteration. As the highly anticipated iPhone 15 Pro Max is on the horizon, how will this approach influence its sales in the fiercely competitive smartphone market?  The Iterative Approach: Building on Success  Apple’s iterative […]

How Can AI Help Manage Cloud Sprawl? 

Many companies are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to reduce  cloud-computing expenses, excess data storage, and other inefficiencies across information-technology processes. Corporate technology leaders and industry analysts are tapping software developed to identify overlapping cloud applications. Meanwhile, organizations encounter several problems due to a lack of control and visibility over their cloud resources. One of […]

The Duality of AI: Risks and Rewards

The duality of AI presents risks and rewards, and understanding how it fits into workflows is key to making informed decisions about its implementation. Everything under the sun is simultaneously good and bad, it all comes down to how we, arguably the only creatures capable of cognitive thinking, use it. And generative AI is not […]